In a similar vein to my prior Python decorator metadata for functions (“meta_func” => github | PyPi | blog), this decorator is intended to help illuminate the number of calls and time taken per call aggregates.

It will keep track of each function by its uniquely assigned python object identifier, the total number of function calls, total time taken for all calls to that function, and min, max and average time for the function calls.

Sample usage:
def self_mult(n):
return n*n

print(self_mult(10)) # => 100
print(self_mult(7)) # => 49
print(self_mult.get_func_runtime_stats()) # => {'total_time': 401.668, 'avg': 200.834, 'func_uid': 4302206808, 'func_name': 'self_mult', 'min': 200.445, 'max': 201.223, 'total_calls': 2}

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